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About our School



The School

Sherburn Church of England Voluntary Controlled School is a school dedicated to providing the best possible educational start in life for children aged 2 to 11 years.

Why come to Sherburn CE Primary School?

We know choosing a school for your child is one of your most important decisions.


We are proud to offer

- a small personal school where each child is valued

- an experienced team of dedicated and caring staff

- a broad and balanced curriculum combining excellence and enjoyment

- a distinct Christian ethos


What our children in Class 1 said about our school


S herburn school is special.

H appy children and teachers.

E veryone is the best!

R eally like choosing in Class 1.

B anana's are a fruit we have at playtime.

U nderstanding about God and each other.

R eady for sums like 6+4=10

N ext we will learn about letters and sounds.




Latest updates...
Now proud to be part of Ebor Academy Trust - new website coming soon.
Tel: 01944 710282